While our aromatherapy and botanical products reach seekers and sages around the entire world, it excites us to no end to be able to offer sacred hands-on healing for our local community in Asheville, NC and the surrounding areas.

Our physical sanctuary is located in an historic landmark building on an island… in a river… nestled in the heart of the mystical Blue Ridge Mountains. Yes, the magic of our massage studio is that real! The potent medicine of nature and the elements holds such a tender space for healing at each and every level.

Explore our treatments below and book your moment of peace and pampering with us today. We simply cannot wait to nurture you from head to toe, like you so deserve.

*Saturday appointments are available upon request



Bodywork + Physical Healing




This luxurious full-body massage treatment allows you to personally create the healing of choice, depending on what the body, mind and spirit needs at the time. Options include specific muscle work, energy healing and aromatherapy to further enhance your healing experience.

60 min | $100
90 min | $145
120 min | $195




Tuning forks and singing bowls are used to release mental/physical stresses, balance the nervous system and promote a healthy energy flow in parts of the body that are trying to heal and energize. Restore harmony and peace within your body as your senses are bathed in meditative sounds. This harmonious treatment is accompanied by a warm oil massage for a deeper sense of mind-body balance.

90 min | $160
120 min | $210


Thai Foot Massage is a relaxing yet invigorating reflexology treatment for the feet
that was greatly influenced by two of it’s closest neighbor’s China and India. Thai
Foot Massage is a much gentler form of reflexology which incorporates two handed
palm and circular massage movements, stretches, thumb pressure along with the use
of a special stick made out of teak for specific acupressure to stimulate organ reflex
points on the soles of the feet. A Thai Foot Massage has the ability to leave one feeling
deeply peaceful, centered and revived!


60 min | $100



Ayurvedic Therapies

Ayurveda is also known as "the knowledge of life" and is one of the oldest medical systems originating from India over 5000 years ago. This consciousness-based system of healing peers into the nature of life through the wisdom of Mother Nature herself.  As a philopsphy of life, Ayurveda teaches us to live in harmony with the basic laws of nature and offers us a holistic guidemap for awakening our healing potential. Ayurvedic medicine is quite simple: recongnize the power of self-healing within, and you will become your own greatest doctor!




Marmas are the vital points in the body where the life force energy is concentrated. When stimulating the points, the mind and emotions are able to gently relax, restoring the tissues, and reducing stress in the body. This nourishing therapy also includes a warm herbalized oil massage to assist the body into a deeper relaxation.

75 min | $125






A soothing continuous flow of oil poured slowly and gently across the forehead to settle and balance the nervous system. The effect is delightful and frequently results in profound relaxation. A 30 minute head, neck and shoulder massage begins this nurturing treatment to help further relax and calm the mind.

60 min | $110


A Swedana is an individualized herbal steam tent that is placed over the body on the massage table. This intense steam therapy assists in detoxification, increased circulation and improves immunity. A warm herbalized body oiling begins this nurturing treatment which allows the body to soften into a blissful and rejuvenated state of being.

75 min | $125



Energywork + Emotional Healing




Reiki, originating from Japan, translates to "universal life energy." It is based on the principle that life force energy flows through us and is what keeps us alive. When this energy is low or blocked, we are more likely to feel stressed, fatigued, or unwell. During a Reiki session, you will lie down fully clothed on a comfortable treatment table. Your practitioner will gently place their hands on or near different parts of your body, allowing the healing energy to flow where it is most needed. The experience may leave one feeling a revitalizing sense of well-being, inner peace and deep relaxation.

60 min | $100